LEADERSHIP Leadership Bierer, Barbara E. M.D., Chair, Board of Trustees Barbara E. Bierer M.D.Chair, Board of TrusteesEvans, Robert S. Robert S. EvansTrusteeFarish, William S., Jr. William S. Farish, Jr.TrusteePolak, Benjamin, Trustee Benjamin PolakTrusteeTullis, James L. L., Trustee James L. L. TullisTrusteeTarr, Jeff, Sr., Emeritus Trustee Jeff Tarr, Sr.Emeritus TrusteeLewis, Michael D., Ph.D., President Michael D. Lewis, Ph.D.PresidentGraubert, Timothy A., M.D. Timothy A. Graubert, M.D.Future PresidentHiebert, Scott, Ph.D. Chair, Scientific Advisory Board Scott Hiebert, Ph.D.Chair, Scientific Advisory BoardBolotnick, Tracey J., Secretary and General Counsel Tracey J. BolotnickSecretary and General Counsel
Hiebert, Scott, Ph.D. Chair, Scientific Advisory Board Scott Hiebert, Ph.D.Chair, Scientific Advisory Board